Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Blacky´s Trip

Blacky took a trip to the doctors today. We are positive she is a girl, and that she is NOT pregnant. Thank You. Blacky got all of her required shots, and came home. She needed to get her ears cleaned because she has ear mites. We have to clean them again in three days in order for them to all go away.

Blacky was having a hard time adjusting to the kennel. We needed to keep her in the house because she was drowsy and couldn´t go outside until her antibiotics wore off. She meowed a lot, feel asleep a lot, and woke up a lot. I finally lied down next to the kennel and soft talked Blacky to sleep. It took about five minutes, and she got comfortable and closed her eyes. Then I found out how comfortable she was with me, and how much she trusted me when I began to get up and leave and she opened her eyes slightly, and then stayed lying there.

She is so adorable, and we will continue to feed her as she comes, and turn on the heat outside for her. Blacky has become a part of our family.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Inside Looking Out

Meow, still very timid and afraid, has been so curious towards the outside, that he actually jumped onto the counter, and out the window three times. The first time was when it was very steamy in the kitchen from cooking, and the windows were left open above the counter. Meow jumped on the counter, and jumped out the window. We didn´t notice, and closed the windows. Then he threw his body against the window as hard as he could, to assure us he was outside. We took him inside, and hoped since he was so tramatized, that he wouldn do it again. Then he did it again.. and again, and now we aren´t opening the window above the counter anymore. He knows that he is being bad when he does things like this, but he is too curious to pass up the moment.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

More about Blacky

Wow, i haven´t updated in a long while. In case you were wondering, Blacky is still here. We feed her every day, twice a day. She has gotten very fat, and we are worried she might be pregnant. There are other cats around our home, not strays, just visitors, and they may have been the cause for her ¨pregnancy.¨ We are waiting to see the results.. check in real soon! You never know what the kittens might look like :]

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Ornaments

Happy holidays whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah,or another holiday around this time of year. I happen to celebrate Christmas, and today is Christmas Eve. I have hand painted two ceramic kitten ornaments from a near by craft store, and have placed them on the tree with white ribbon. Its so warming to feel we have our cats for so many years to come. Happy Holidays!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Blacky the Stray

Here are some pictures that I have just taken of Blacky, our stray cat.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Greater Technology

Our advanced development over the past couple weeks has made the greater difference, we think. Blacky, as we have named the stray out door cat, has been gobbling the food down every time we put it out. As for our advanced technology, we have updated it's shelter. We tilted a wooden board over the front of the shelter for better wind resistance. This way Blacky is warmer as it becomes cooler outside. Also,the table over the kennel has a plastic drop cloth over it and is covered it with bricks. It is a long blanket, so it reaches the floor and better protects the cat. It still wanders but every time we feed it, it knows where to come for it's food.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Friendly Update

Today my sister woke early in the morning and checked on the kitten. She started to look up dozens of numbers off the Internet in hopes some animal shelter would take this cat in and treat it. After calling about seventeen animal shelters, nobody was willing to take it. The shelters either said, we have too many animals already, or we may have to put it down. This was very disappointing to hear, but we continued to search. This kitten had been in the kennel all night, and must have to use the bathroom terribly. So, we let it free on out deck, and gave it food and water. We figured since we are the ones who have been caring for it, it would stick around with us. My sister changed the towel that was in the kennel, making completely sure that she did not touch the kitten because of the risk of spreading disease. We noticed something on the back of it's neck. It looked as though there was a tic, and we really knew this cat was not healthy.

We took a large heavy dutie garbage bag and cover the outside of the kennel. Then we took a very old large comforter and covered it over that, then took several more garbage bags and cover that. This would provide warmth and water protection for the kitten, and at least we know it has shelter to go back to for rest.

We put the kennel towards the garage and put it's food their too. We can't take the kitten in, but we will provide it with food and comfort for the future.

This kittens natural instinct is to hunt for it's own food, so it will continue to wander. This is the most adorable little kitten, and I would never want to see anything happen to it.